Tuesday, January 29, 2008


We have a lot going on here in our house. We have increased our number by one. We now have 9 people living in our house. No, my step-daughter has NOT had the baby yet. My youngest child has temporarily moved in. And , she is pregnant, and jobless. My nerves are about shot.

As far as the house is concerned, nothing more has been done on it, and my husband is about to take legal action.

My son has a better job with a casino over on the Kansas side making more money, which will help him out a lot and us. Now it is a matter of when does he start? He is also going to be starting school next month, studying computers.

The grand-daughter is trying to learn how to use a potty chair. She went pee in it yesterday, and wiped with tissue. She is now upstairs on the pot. I think she is getting ready to take a bath, which mom says she is getting better at washing herself, she won't even let her daddy wash her down there, she wants mom to do it, or she tries to do it herself. This child is only 15 months old. Amazing!!

That's all for now!!

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