Sunday, November 01, 2009


We had a very quiet night last night, no trick-or-treaters. I think they all went elsewhere. My husband actually forgot that it was Halloween.

Hubby had pre-ordered Windows 7 and installed it on his computer last night. He had been running it for about 6 months and really likes it, says it is better than Vista.

This morning he is going to the hospital to do some volunteer work as a Eucharistic Minister for his church. His priest is having him also do this at one of the Sunday masses also.
We went Friday to talk to the lady who is in charge of the Volunteers at the Hospital, and she even asked me if I had thought about volunteering, I told her that I had in the past and she suggested that I really consider it, so I am. ( since I can't seem to find a real job)!

I had to order a new pair of Jeans on Friday. I have been wearing dresses everyday, but there are a couple of things that we do that I prefer to wear Jeans for, and those are: Hiking, and Motorcycle riding. Anyway, I get my Jeans from L.L.Bean.
They are the only place where I can get them that are made right and they fit me right.

Until next time!

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